mathe2go - The smart learning game for your exam success in the Matura mathe2go is created by BFI OÖ learning app. It starts in the repetition of compulsory education material and support you especially with explanations and exercises in all learning areas of Part A of the standardized math matriculation examination, which is the same for all candidates / inside the Berufsreifeprüfung and higher vocational schools. In addition mathe2go covers the part B of the Berufsreifeprüfung and standardized maturation in secondary schools for elementary education BAfEP and social BASOP from marked with NEW chapters. Regardless where you are right now, you can do a quiz your math exercises in form without paper and pencil. Learning for your exam you can not lose weight this app unfortunately. but it offers you an ideal complement so that you festigst the learned content and playfully repeating: • 30 categories for the standardized Graduate• The field of learning a theoretical part• Practice and solve tasks in different formats Quiz• Check your learning progress for each category• Control the solution to your right / wrong answers• Share your training and testing results via social media• Test your knowledge in the final test (BFI community only)• Full access to about 700 exercises and test tasks (BFI community only) As a member of the ERI Community stand for you all quizzes for competency-based training for the standardized Berufsreifeprüfung free ready. By visiting a course at BFI Upper Austria you will receive your personal code with which you open to the access to all the tasks and the final test across all learning areas. Work your playful in manageable portions to your exam success in math! The app includes the following chapters: Calculations with integersdo fractionsMetrics and floating pointLinear equations and formulaspercentageLinear functionsI motion tasksSystems of linear equationspotenciesquadratic equationsQuadratic functionsFunctional relationshipsApplications of logarithmsgrowth modelsArithmetic and geometric sequences (NEW)Trigonometry in rectangular triangleTrigonometry generally triangular (NEW)Vectors (NEU)differential calculusApplications of the derivativeAdvanced calculus (NEW)integral calculusMotion Applications IIRegressions (NEW)statisticsSet Theory (NEW)Elementary probability theoryExpected value and standard deviation (NEU)binomialnormal distribution